Appointments & Policies

Read about how to make an appointment and policies for the use of CAPS services.

Service Policies

Scheduling an Appointment

If you are interested in establishing services with CAPS or are a returning client, please email or call 206-696-6090. You will receive paperwork via the CAPS Client Portal and then our staff will contact you to schedule an appointment with a counselor after we've had an opportunity to review your paperwork. If you have any questions, please contact the CAPS office:
PAVL 120

Business Hours: 
8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. PST
1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. PST

Summer Business Hours: 
8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. PST
1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. PST

8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. PST
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. PST

Please note that you cannot make an appointment for another person. All appointments must be made by the person seeking services.

Cancelling Appointments

To maximize the availability of counseling and psychological services to all interested students, we require 24-hours advance notice for cancellation of appointments. This will allow another student to schedule an appointment during that hour.

After three no shows and/or cancellations with less than 24 hours notice, a student will be ineligible for services at CAPS for the remainder of the current academic year.

We are always available to provide students with referrals to community providers when they are ineligible for our services for any reason.

Enrolled Students

Seattle University students are eligible for clinical services while they are currently enrolled and taking classes. This includes summer quarter, for which students need to be enrolled in and taking classes to be eligible for CAPS clinical services during that time.

Undergraduate, graduate, and law students whose primary relationship with the University is as a student (not an employee) are eligible. Incoming freshmen are eligible to make an appointment starting two weeks prior to the first class day, and can be seen for their first session once classes have begun. 

Services are free of charge.


University employees who are part-time students are not eligible for clinical services since the University provides health insurance as part of the employee benefits package.   Employees may seek services through the university Employee Assistance Program. 


State law and professional standards require that we maintain patient records, as do other health practitioners. Patient records are kept within CAPS' secure data system and records room; these are not part of your educational records or part of any University data system.

All patient information is confidential, including the fact that you are participating in therapy at CAPS. This means that under ordinary circumstances, no protected information will be revealed to anyone outside of CAPS without your written permission.

Consistent with the law and professional ethics, there are emergency and other special circumstances when CAPS and/or your therapist may be required to disclose information, including:

  • State law requires licensed health professionals to report suspicion or knowledge of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of children (under 18 years) and vulnerable adults.
  • If you become a danger to yourself or another person, CAPS may need to take steps to decrease the danger and prevent harm, including the disclosure of confidential information; if you are a threat to an identifiable victim, we may be required to notify the police and the person at risk of harm.
  • If a court orders CAPS to reveal confidential patient information.
  • If a student who is gravely disabled due to mental illness/disability or dangerous to self or others, refuses voluntary treatment, information may be released to a County-Designated Mental Health Professional and hospital emergency room personnel.
  • If your therapist is your primary health provider and you disclose that you are HIV positive, either you or your therapist must disclose the identities of any IV drug-using/sexual partners to the state Department of Health.

To protect your records at CAPS and your other health records, we recommend that you carefully read any releases or authorization forms that you are asked to sign while applying for employment, for participation in service programs, and for health and life insurance.

Applications for federal jobs requiring security clearance, for postal service positions and for some other federal agencies, may include a comprehensive authorization to release information, including disclosure of your mental health records.

Service programs such as the Peace Corp may ask you to sign an authorization for release of medical and mental health records before you are accepted into the program. Law students should note that in some states the application to take the bar exam asks about treatment for psychiatric and psychological conditions. In a few states, medical boards request this information as well.

On occasion, your therapist may consult with other professionals within CAPS in order to provide the best possible care.

Student Termination of Therapy Services

All counseling services are voluntary; you have the right to choose to leave therapy at any time.

CAPS Office Termination of Therapy Services

CAPS reserves the right to immediately and unilaterally terminate from services any student who behaves in a violent, threatening, or harassing manner toward CAPS staff or any other person in our offices. Such behavior may also be reported to university officials and law enforcement.

If you are refused CAPS services based on such behavior, we will offer you referrals to other sources of care but cannot guarantee they will accept you for therapy.

Conflict of Interest Disclaimer 

Occasionally actual or potential conflicts of interest may arise. If we become aware of a conflict of interest in providing treatment to you, we may be required to refer you to another provider within CAPS, or to terminate services and refer you to a provider off-campus.